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BUNDLE 8x Advertising, Magazine, Film and Apple Beats INFOGRAPHICS & REVISION SHEETS - AQA Media Studies

BUNDLE 8x Advertising, Magazine, Film and Apple Beats INFOGRAPHICS & REVISION SHEETS - AQA Media Studies

8 Resources
These INFOGRAPHIC POSTERS and REVISION SHEETS cover 8 Close Study Products from the AQA Media Studies GCSE: Galaxy Chocolate OMO NHS Represent Ft. Lady Leshurr Tatler Reveal I, Daniel Blake Doctor Strange Apple Beats 1 Radio They are designed to provide a visually engaging revision tool of many of the key areas of the curriculum, but they are not comprehensive. This bundle includes 8 A3 full-colour posters as well as print-ready versions to be printed as a personal revision sheet. The infographics cover the following areas of the curriculum: Contexts Genre conventions Narrative Theory Media Language Analysis Representation Anlaysis Ownership Marketing Industry Evolution Film Facts Synergy Please contact us with any feedback or requests for future products. I intend to complete the full set of CSPs for AQA in the coming months.


This infographic is designed to cover the main area of Industry for the Doctor Strange film CSP for the AQA GCSE Media Studies. It is designed to provide a visually engaging revision tool of many of the key areas of the curriculum, but it is not comprehensive. It includes an A3 full-colour poster as well as a print-ready version to be printed as a personal revision sheet. The infographic covers the following areas of the curriculum: Contexts Ownership Marketing Industry Evolution Film Facts Synergy with the MCU Look out for future bundles of my infographics!
BUNDLE 5x Advertising and Magazine INFOGRAPHICS & REVISION SHEETS - Media Language and Representation -  AQA Media Studies

BUNDLE 5x Advertising and Magazine INFOGRAPHICS & REVISION SHEETS - Media Language and Representation - AQA Media Studies

5 Resources
These INFOGRAPHIC POSTERS and REVISION SHEETS cover all 5 advertising and magazine Close Study Products from the AQA Media Studies GCSE, covering Media Language and Representation: Galaxy Chocolate OMO NHS Represent Ft. Lady Leshurr Tatler Reveal They are designed to provide a visually engaging revision tool of many of the key areas of the curriculum, but they are not comprehensive. This bundle includes 5 A3 full-colour posters as well as print-ready versions to be printed as a personal revision sheet. The infographics cover the following areas of the curriculum: Contexts Genre conventions Narrative Theory Media Language Analysis Representation Anlaysis Please contact us with any feedback or requests for future products. I intend to complete the full set of CSPs for AQA in the coming months.
TV Drama and Film Camera and Editing Terminology - Quizzes and Presentations - CAMBRIDGE (CIE) AS

TV Drama and Film Camera and Editing Terminology - Quizzes and Presentations - CAMBRIDGE (CIE) AS

THESE PRODUCTS ARE DESIGNED FOR THE CAMBRIDGE (CIE) AS MEDIA STUDIES EXAM SECTION A (TV DRAMA) BUT COULD BE EASILY APPROPRIATE FOR FILM OR TV ANALYSIS FOR OTHER CURRICULUMS AT A SIMILAR LEVEL. No-Prep Terminology Quizzes and Teaching Presentations for Cambridge (CIE) AS Media Studies, Exam Section A - TV Drama - CAMERA and EDITING. This includes: 2 Quizzes and 2 Teaching Presentations for CAMERA and EDITING TERMINOLOGY Animated GIFs to better secure terminology definitions Interactive Quiz Presentation designed for individual or team quiz Visually engaging for range of student abilities It can also be used with the Terminology Glossaries also available on the Inter Alia Store.
TV Drama and Film Terminology Glossaries - CIE AS - Mise-en-scene, Camera, Editing and Sound

TV Drama and Film Terminology Glossaries - CIE AS - Mise-en-scene, Camera, Editing and Sound

THESE PRODUCTS ARE DESIGNED FOR THE CAMBRIDGE (CIE) AS MEDIA STUDIES EXAM SECTION A (TV DRAMA) BUT COULD BE EASILY APPROPRIATE FOR FILM OR TV ANALYSIS FOR OTHER CURRICULUMS AT A SIMILAR LEVEL. No-Prep Terminology Glossaries for Cambridge (CIE) AS Media Studies, Exam Section A - TV Drama. This includes: 4 colour glossaries featuring 107 pieces of key terminology from the required categories: Mise-en-scene Camera (including visual aids) Editing Sound The glossaries have been specifically designed to appeal to students and be an effective preparation for the CIE AS Media Studies exam. It can also be used with the Editing and Camera Terminology Quizzes and Presentations also available on the Inter Alia Store.
Postmodern Media FULL UNIT - Presentation and Worksheets - CIE A Level

Postmodern Media FULL UNIT - Presentation and Worksheets - CIE A Level

Postmodern Media FULL UNIT - Presentation and Worksheets - Cambridge (CIE) A Level No-Prep Digital Lessons for the POSTMODERN MEDIA unit for the Cambridge (CIE) A Level. This Unit includes: 84-slide Teacher Presentation - easy-to-read and student-friendly visual presentation, fully customisable covering all content needed for the A-level 7x Worksheets - designed to accompany the presentation, covering all theory and scaffolding research, also includes essay planning sheet 5x Essay Exemplars - high level responses to a variety of questions Topics include: Exam and Past Questions - overview of Cambridge expectations Context and History of Postmodernism - pre-modern and modern eras, and what defined them Defining Postmodernism - specific examples of postmodernism in society and art Features of a Postmodern Text - specific features of postmodern media e.g. parody, homage, pastiche; self-reflexivity; bricolage… Postmodern Theory - Explanations and examples for range of postmodern theory and criticism: Jean Baudrillard, Francois Lyotard, Bell and Toffler, Dominic Strinati, Noam Chomsky, Dick Hebdige. Historical Case Studies - The Matrix; Violence, Tarantino and videogames Contemporary Case Studies - Marvel Cinematic Universe, Stranger Things, YouTube, Bo Burnham’s Inside The lesson has been designed to be taught digitally and uses Google Docs and Google Slides to integrate with Google Classroom perfectly, however it also includes PowerPoint and Word versions, or can be printed. It features: Key Terminology clearly presented Visually engaging slides and tasks Exam-style questions Class activities and discussion opportunities Up-to-date postmodern case studies Interactive presentation with external links